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Special offer - piston compressors

... - mobile

Piston compressors RSD 731/10/2/90 DF

Powerful 2-cylinder compressors with V-belt drive. 2-stage compression. The two-stage design enables high effective delivery rates at low compressed air temperatures. Equipped with chassis, "½" ball valve, quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug incl. phase inverter. Suitable for central compressed air supply in trade and industry.ou how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was complete account.

RSD Technical data:
- actual delivery quantity:582L/min.
- compressor speed: 1000 Upm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- tank capacity: 90 litres
- Power E-Motor: 4,0 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxBxH): 1040x450x850
- Voltage: 400 V
- weight: 91 kg
- image similar
- available at short notice

RRP 1.898,00 € plus VAT.

Now available for only 1.490,00 € plus VAT. ( - 21.5% )

Piston compressor RSD 371/10/1/50 DF

Robust 2-cylinder compressor with V-belt drive. 1-stage compression. Equipped with chassis, quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug incl. phase inverter. Suitable for all work in trade, workshop and factory.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity:330/min.
- Compressor speed: 1200 rpm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 50 litres
- Power electric motor: 2,2 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxWxHx): 860x380x710
- Voltage: 400 V
- Weight: 60 kg
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 920 € plus VAT.

Now for only 880,00 € plus VAT. ( - 4.3% )

... - horizontal

Piston compressor RSD 501/10/2/270 DS

Powerful 2-cylinder compressors with V-belt drive. 2-stage compression. The two-stage design enables high effective delivery rates at low compressed air temperatures. Horizontal 270 liter pressure vessel. Equipped with quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug. Suitable for central compressed air supply in trade and industrial companies.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity: 396 L/min.
- Compressor speed: 1200 rpm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 270 litres
- Power electric motor: 3,0 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxBxH): 1458 x 600 x 1270
- Voltage: 400 V
- Weight: 133 kg
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 2.050,00 € plus VAT.

Now for only 1.920,00 € plus VAT. ( - 6.3% )

Piston compressor RSD 731/10/2/270 DS

Powerful 2-cylinder compressors with V-belt drive. 2-stage compression. The two-stage design enables high effective delivery rates at low compressed air temperatures. Horizontal 270 liter pressure vessel. Equipped with quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug. Suitable for central compressed air supply in trade and industrial companies.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity: 582 L/min.
- Compressor speed: 1000 Upm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 270 litres
- Power electric motor: 4,0 kW
- Dimensions in mm(LxBxH): 1458 x 600 x 1270
- Voltage: 400 V
- Weight: 133 kg
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 2.480,00 € plus VAT.

Now for only 2.190,00 € plus VAT. ( - 11.7% )

... - vertical

Piston compressor RSD 500/10/2/270 DSS

Powerful 2-cylinder compressors with V-belt drive. 2-stage compression. The two-stage design enables high effective delivery rates at low compressed air temperatures. Vertical design with low space requirement. Equipped with filter pressure reducer, quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug. Suitable for central compressed air supply in trade and industry. The pressure vessels comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive and the AD 2000 regulations.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity: 396 L/min.
- Compressor speed: 1200 Upm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 270 litres
- Power electric motor: 3,0 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxBxH): 820 x 1900
- Voltage: 400 V
- Weight: 133 kg
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 2.490,00 € plus VAT.

Now for only 2120,00 € plus VAT. ( - 14.9% )

Piston compressor RSD RSD 730/10/2/270 DSS

Powerful 2-cylinder compressors with V-belt drive. 2-stage compression. The two-stage design enables high effective delivery rates at low compressed air temperatures. Vertical design with low space requirement. Equipped with filter pressure reducer, quick coupling, Condor pressure switch and 16A three-phase plug. Suitable for central compressed air supply in trade and industry. The pressure vessels comply with the Pressure Equipment Directive and the AD 2000 regulations.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity: 582 L/min.
- Compressor speed: 1000 Upm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 270 litres
- Power electric motor: 4,0 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxBxH): 820 x 1900
- Voltage: 400 V
- Weight: 153 kg
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 2.820,00 € plus VAT.

Jetzt für nur 2.380,00 € zzgl. MwSt. ( - 15.6% )

... portable - oil free

Piston compressor RSD 240/10/5 OIL FREE

Handy 2-cylinder oil-free compressor. Due to its small dimensions ideal for use on construction sites. Equipped with quick coupling, pressure switch and 230V AC plug.

RSD Technical data:
- effective delivery quantity: 180 L/min.
- Compressor speed: 1400 Upm
- max. operating pressure: 10 bar
- Tank capacity: 5 litres
- Power electric motor: 1,1 kW
- Dimensions in mm (LxBxH): 530x310x390
- Voltage: 230 V
- Weight: 23 kg
- sound pressure level: 72 dB
- image similar
- Short-term available

RRP 529,00 € plus VAT.

Now for only 450,00 € plus VAT ( - 14.9% )

About Rico

Rico Compressed air plant was founded in 1945 and today is a system solutions provider for pressurized air. Our product range includes air production, processing, distribution and of course an excellent service.

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